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Developer Accounts for ExactTarget


Has there been any progress made on granting a developer account for SF and HubExchange Devs? It feels conceptually wrong to me a SF product doesn't allow developers to perfect and develop a wider solution offering without paying +10K license fee per year. Even without CRM the HubExchange market could be a richer portal for consumers and developers if we were allowed a means to test our concept.

I think we'd all be perfectly happy with an account that was blackholed or limited in such a way where we could only send a finite qty of emails to an email address associated to the user.

If there's a forum or avenue where we can assist in raising the value proposition please let us know as I know there are many people looking.

Attribution to: jimxclarke

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

There is an idea shared on the SF Help page:

It has a score of over 4K and shows that it is PRODUCT TEAM REVIEW and that we should have an update in the next 2-4 months

If you are still interested in this, I recommend going in and upvoting the idea. More votes may help get this ball rolling a little faster.

Attribution to: Nathalie Reginster-Starr

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I created a petition at iPetitions and I'm looking for 2500 developer signatures asking for this. You can locate the petitions here -

Feel free to spread the word.

Attribution to: Kelly J Andrews

Possible Suggestion/Solution #3

Still no developer instance and 5 years later. I don’t think it’s ever happening for the general public similar to what Salesforce CRM has available as a Developer Edition

But if you are a Salesforce Partner, you can request a free Marketing Cloud developer account. This can be requested by creating a case on the Partner Portal.

Salesforce Partner Program supports AppExchange (ISV) Partners, Consulting Partners, and Resellers.

Attribution to: Jackson Chen

Possible Suggestion/Solution #4

Check out the Marketing Cloud Developer Edition here, it was announced at Connections 2014 in late September:

Attribution to: Jay Langhurst

Possible Suggestion/Solution #5

This has been dormant for a while but for anyone looking for this in 2017...

It's still not available. However if you work for a Salesforce Partner, you can have one provisioned . This version doesnt come with a functional mobile connect as there is an actual cost to it. If a partner really wants this, there is an option to pay for this at a discounted rate.

I would like to see a new petition started as the unavailability of this greatly limits the growth of the marketing cloud ecosystem.

Attribution to: Samuel Dare
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