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Error on retrieving email by name when email name have brackets


I`m trying to retrieve emails by name using .NET API client but when the email have brackets in name the api doesnt find the object.

This is my code:

        string requestID;

        // Filter by TaskResultID (the unique id for the import)  
        SimpleFilterPart sfp = new SimpleFilterPart();
        sfp.Property = "Name";
        sfp.SimpleOperator = SimpleOperators.equals;
        sfp.Value = new string[] { "wednesday - 20140319 - Clients [nws]" };

        // Create the RetrieveRequest  
        RetrieveRequest request = new RetrieveRequest();
        request.ObjectType = "Email";
        request.Filter = sfp;
        request.Properties = new string[] { "ObjectID", "CustomerKey", "Name" };

        // Execute the RetrieveRequest  
        APIObject[] results;
        string status = ETclient.Retrieve(request, out requestID, out results);

        return results[0] as Email; (ERROR HERE!)

Does anyone can help me?

Thanks a lot.

Attribution to: leribeiro

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Simplest way is probably to do String.replace(find, replace) for each bracket. This problem is likely due to the way regex handles square brackets.

Attribution to: DavidSchach

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I think the original assumption of the bracket causing issues in the REGEX is the case here. Try escaping the string literals like this:

sfp.Value = new string[] { "wednesday - 20140319 - Clients \U007Bnws\U007D" };

Based on what I am reading, this seems like it's a possible issue.

Attribution to: Kelly J Andrews
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