I have created an ExactTarget Landing Page form which does two things upon submission.
- Create a Lead
- Create a Campaign Response - *this part works with no issues
The relevant AMPScript is below.
What is happening is this - if I remove the two 'Opt-Out' fields(3rd and 4th from the bottom) from the Object creation, the 'Description' and 'Lead Source' fields right below it populate SFDC with no issues.
However, if I put the Opt-Out fields back in, both the 'Description' and 'Lead Source' fields don't populate in SFDC, even though I can see them in the posted form values.
Is there anything that looks incorrect? If I had any hair I'd be pulling it out.
** Below will set the 'OPT-OUT' values but NOT pass the 'Description' and 'LeadSource'
SET @_SFobjid = CreateSalesforceObject
** Below will pass the 'Description' and 'LeadSource' with the Opt-Out fields not included
SET @_SFobjid = CreateSalesforceObject
Attribution to: Brian M
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