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How to include inner class/wrapper class in test method?


I am new to Salesforce. I have written a Apex class, where I've used an inner class ( PageSection) and I am creating a list of that innerclass and using in VF as a merge variable.

My question is how can I cover the inner class in Test Method ?

 public with sharing class ViewRelatedController {

    public Account acct {get; set;}
    public List<PageSection> sectionList { get; private set; } // merge variable

    public DummyObject__c dummyObj{get; set;} // getting datefield from custom object 

    public Decimal interactionMonth {get;private set;}
    public Decimal maxList {get;private set;}
    public Decimal maxTotal {get;private set;}
    Map<String, PageSection> emailCategoryMap;
    Map<String, PageSection> caseCategoryMap;    

   // Inner class

    private class PageSection {
        public String name {get; private set;} 

        // Only one of the following to members will be populated
        public List<String> caseCategoryList {get; private set;} 
        public List<String> emailCategoryList {get; private set;} 

        // Only one of the following to members will be populated
        public List<Case>caseList {get; private set;} 
        public List<RepositoryEmail__c> emailList {get; private set;} 

        public Boolean caseCategoryList() { 
          return caseCategoryList != null; 

        public Boolean hasCaseCategoryList {
            get {
                return caseCategoryList != null && !caseCategoryList.isEmpty();
            set {}

        public Boolean emailCategoryList() { 
          return emailCategoryList != null; 

        public Boolean hasEmailCategoryList {
            get {
                return emailCategoryList != null && !emailCategoryList.isEmpty();
            set {}

        public Boolean getHasData() {
          return  (caseList != null && !caseList.isEmpty())|| ( emailList != null && !emailList.isEmpty());

        public Boolean hasGetHasData {
            get {
                return  (caseList != null && !caseList.isEmpty())|| ( emailList != null && !emailList.isEmpty());
            set {}



    public ViewRelatedController(){ 
        accountId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');                
        acct = fetchAccount(accountId);

        dummyObj = new DummyObject__c();
        dummyObj.EndDateA__c =;

        //Fetching the instance of  "My_Constants__c" custom setting.
        My_Constants__c appConstantSettings = My_Constants__c.getInstance();

        if(appConstantSettings != null && appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMonths__c != null){
             interactionMonth = appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMonths__c;

        if(interactionMonth != null && (interactionMonth - interactionMonth.round(RoundingMode.DOWN))== 0.0){
            dummyObj.StartDateA__c =*(interactionMonth.intValue()));
        }else if(appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMonths__c == null){           
            dummyObj.StartDateA__c =;
            dummyObj.StartDateA__c =*(interactionMonth*30).intValue());

        if(appConstantSettings != null && appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMaxList__c != null){
            maxList = (appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMaxList__c).intValue();
            maxList = 100;

        if(appConstantSettings != null && appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMaxTotal__c != null){
            maxTotal = (appConstantSettings.ViewRelatedCEInteractionMaxTotal__c).intValue();
            maxTotal = 800;

        //Instantiate sectionList   
        sectionList = new List<PageSection>();           

        emailCategoryMap = new Map<String, PageSection>();
        caseCategoryMap = new Map<String, PageSection>();

        for(MyConfig__c custObj : 
                                                       SELECT Name,Case_Category__c,Category_Type__c,Email_Category__c 
                                                       FROM MyConfig__c
                                                       ORDER BY Sort_Order__c

            PageSection psec = new PageSection();
   = custObj.Name;

            psec.emailCategoryList = new List<String>();
            if(custObj.Category_Type__c == 'Email' && custObj.Email_Category__c != null) {
                psec.emailCategoryList = custObj.Email_Category__c.split(';');

            psec.caseCategoryList  = new List<String>();
            if(custObj.Category_Type__c == 'Case' && custObj.Case_Category__c != null) {
                psec.caseCategoryList = custObj.Case_Category__c.split(';');

            psec.caseList = new List<Case>();         
            psec.emailList = new List<RepositoryEmail__c>();            

            if(!psec.emailCategoryList.isEmpty() && psec.emailCategoryList!= null){
                for(String emailCategory :emailCategorySet){
                    if(emailCategory != '-null-'){
                        emailCategoryMap.put(emailCategory, psec);
                        emailCategoryMap.put(null, psec);

             if(!psec.caseCategoryList.isEmpty() && psec.caseCategoryList!= Null){
                for(String caseCategory :caseCategorySet){
                    if(caseCategory != '-null-'){
                        caseCategoryMap.put(caseCategory, psec);
                        caseCategoryMap.put(null, psec);




Attribution to: SFDC Geek

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You could create a new instance of your class. First you have to change this to public, then just create a new instance and call the methods of this class:

private class PageSectionTest {
    static testMethod void testBasic() {
        ViewRelatedController.PageSection psec = new ViewRelatedController.PageSection();
        psec.emailCategoryList = new List<String>();
        // and so on calling methods of your calls

Finally, you should consider to test the method assertion by adding asserts to control if they are returning what is expected.

Attribution to: Martin Borthiry

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

Your inner class should be public instead of private.


public with sharing class ViewRelatedController 
    public class PageSection 
         public String name {get; private set;} 

Test Class

private class TestViewRelatedController 
    public static void myUnitTest()
        ViewRelatedController.PageSection page = new ViewRelatedController.PageSection(); = 'Hello';
        System.debug('>>>> Section Name '+page.Name);

Attribution to: Cloud Ninja

Possible Suggestion/Solution #3

If you are talking about access issue to the inner class from your test class, you can try other answers posted here or just add @TestVisible to your inner class.

private class PageSection {
    //your code

Attribution to: highfive
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