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Learn Git - How to check who is committed?


Learn Git - How to check who is committed?

git log

It will produce big list of commits. If you want to show only one commit

git show <<commitid>>

To check the difference between two commits

git diff <<commitid>>..<commitid>>

How to resolve merge conflict?

Lets look at the below snippet

for(let i = 0; i < 10;i++)

user1 using the above code in the file1.js

User is updating the below code in the same file

They both commit their code on their respective branch. Now if they try to merge the two branches they will see the following error

git merge user1_branch

<<<<<<< HEAD
// Use a for loop to console.log contents.
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
// Use forEach to console.log contents.
arr.forEach(function(item) {
>>>>>>> User2's commit

Now we know which is the best version if you think both are not delete from head to end >>>> and update the best code

What is Git Amend?
If you want make any changes in the existing commit please use amend command.

git commit --amend

It open up a editor with old commit, you can modify the commit and save it.




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