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Need Better Search Conditions on Duplicate VF Page


I have an apex class that brings up duplicates when a user enters in an account name in the search box on the visualforce page. Right now, the search takes the exact letters written into the search text box. What I would like to happen is to have the word being searched on be somewhere in the name of the account and not necessarily starts with the word. I would also like to put conditions in so that if a user enters a name and a street address it will search on both of them combined and bring up all accounts that have the address or the name. Thanks!

Full Class code below:

public class AccountDupeCatch {

public boolean errormsg=false;
public String AccountId=System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
public String aname;
public List<Account> chkdup;
public Account newaccount= new Account();

 public AccountDupeCatch(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {

 public account getnewaccount() {
 return newaccount;
 public account getexistingaccount() {
 if (chkdup!= NULL)
     return chkdup[0];
     return null;
     return null;

public list<account> getexistingaccountlist()
 if (chkdup!= NULL)
     return chkdup;
     return null;
     return null;

public pagereference Next() {

chkdup=[Select    name,id,,CustomerMasterID__c,shippingstreet,shippingcity,shippingstate from Account where];
  String aname=newaccount.Name;
  Pagereference newaccount1 = new Pagereference('/001/e?nooverride=true&acc2='+aname+'');
  return newaccount1;
   return null;


public pagereference SelectName() {

Pagereference chkdup = new Pagereference('/' + chkdup[0].Id);
return chkdup;

public boolean geterrormsg() {
return errormsg;

Visualforce Page:

  <apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountDupeCatch">
  <apex:pageBlock title="Account Name">
   <apex:form >
         Enter the Account Name Here
                         &nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:inputField value="{!NewAccount.Name}"/>
         <apex:commandButton action="{!Next}" value="click here to proceed" status="status"/>

     <!-- Display error message -->
         <apex:pagemessage strength="2" title="Duplicate!!" severity="error" detail="This Account Name Already Exists !!!" rendered="{!errormsg}"/><!-- End of error message -->
           <apex:pageblocktable rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(existingaccountlist))}" value="{!existingaccountlist}" var="acct">
                          <apex:column headervalue="Select">
                                   <apex:commandlink action="{!SelectName}">
                                       <input type="radio" name="AccountSel" onclick="changeValue(this,'{!$Component.RadioButtonValue}')"/>
                          <apex:column headervalue="Account Name"> <apex:outputtext value="{!acct.Name}"/>  </apex:column>
                          <apex:column headervalue="Type"> <apex:outputtext value="{!}"/>  </apex:column>
                          <apex:column headervalue="Customer ID"> <apex:outputtext value="{!acct.CustomerMasterID__c}"/>  </apex:column>
                          <apex:column headervalue="Shipping Street"> <apex:outputtext value="{!acct.shippingstreet}"/>  </apex:column>
                          <apex:column headervalue="City"> <apex:outputtext value="{!acct.shippingcity}"/>  </apex:column>
                          <apex:column headervalue="State"> <apex:outputtext value="{!acct.shippingstate}"/>  </apex:column>

Attribution to: NewbieDeveloper27

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You can easily change

[Select name,id,,CustomerMasterID__c,shippingstreet,shippingcity,shippingstate from Account where];


Database.query('Select name,id,,CustomerMasterID__c,shippingstreet,shippingcity,shippingstate from Account where Name like \'% + + '%\'' OR (ShippingStreet like \'% + newaccount.shippingstreet + '%\' AND ShippingCity like \'% + newaccount.shippingcity + '%\' AND ShippingState like \'% + newaccount.shippingstate + '%\'));

That will look for any accounts where:

  1. the name they enter is contained in the name field of any existing account OR
  2. the shippingstreet is contained in an existing account's street address AND the shippingcity is contained in an existing account's city AND the shippingstate is contained in an existing account's state

... the % signs in conjuntion with like act like a wildcard search and the right combination of boolean AND/OR logic helps (my AND/OR was based on what i understood you wanted, but can be easily tweaked)

Attribution to: Nathan Williams
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