Currently I have code that uses apex:repeat to push out nested data from a custom object and I need to add the chatter for the ParentObject to the output. I've been trying to find a way to do this by adding another nested query node to my full query but I can't figure out how to nest queries for FeedItem or ParentObject__Feed. I am open to doing this another way, but need some guidance.
Original Code:
List<ParentObject__c> parent_objects = [SELECT Id, Name, (Select Id, Name From ChildObject1s__r), (Select Id, Name From ChildObject2s__r) From ParentObject__c];
<apex:repeat value="{!parent_objects}" var="parent">
<apex:repeat value="{!parent.ChildObject1s__r}" var="child1">
<apex:repeat value="{!parent.ChildObject2s__r}" var="child2">
Most Recent Failed Attempt:
List<ParentObject__c> parent_objects = [SELECT Id, Name, (Select Id, Name From ChildObject1s__r), (Select Id, Name From ChildObject2s__r), (Select Body From FeedItems) From ParentObject__c];
<apex:repeat value="{!parent_objects}" var="parent">
<apex:repeat value="{!parent.ChildObject1s__r}" var="child1">
<apex:repeat value="{!parent.ChildObject2s__r}" var="child2">
<apex:repeat value="{!parent.FeedITems}" var="feed">
Attribution to: mcwhittemore
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
So it's possible to get the Feeds
child-relationship in the query. Use the SOQL query builder in the IDE to figure out the shape of the available queries:
Select p.Name, (Select Id, ParentId, Type, CommentCount, LikeCount, Title, Body, LinkUrl, RelatedRecordId, ContentData, ContentFileName, ContentDescription, ContentType, ContentSize, InsertedById From Feeds) From Project_Task__c p
In the case of custom objects, the name of the child-relationship is: Feeds
some standard objects have their own names, like AccountFeed
on Account
Than you can output them like you talked about above, try:
<apex:repeat value="{!parent_objects}" var="parent">
<apex:repeat value="{!parent.Feeds}" var="feedItem">
Attribution to: jordan.baucke
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