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Question on Bulkification/Governor Limit of Code


Is the code below ready to handle bulk changes? Is there a limit to how many Accounts I can be bulk updating with this trigger active?


trigger transferRelationshipTeamFromAcctOnAcctUpdate on Account (after update) {


public class AccountManager {
public static void handleUpdateTransferRelationshipTeamFromAcctOnAcctUpdate(List<Account> AcctsTrNew){
    //Query a list of all Financial Accounts where the Client is in Trigger.New
    List<Financial_Account__c> finAccts = [
        SELECT Id, Client__c, Wealth_Advisor_Lookup__c, Portfolio_Manager_Lookup__c, Trust_Officer_Lookup__c,
               Other_Team_Member_1_Lookup__c, Other_Team_Member_2_Lookup__c
        FROM Financial_Account__c
        WHERE Client__c IN : AcctsTrNew];

    //Create a list to hold Financial Accounts to Update
    List<Financial_Account__c> finAcctsToUpdate = new List<Financial_Account__c>();

    //Loop through all Accounts in Trigger.New
    for(Account acct : AcctsTrNew){
        //Loop through all Financial Accounts whose Client is in Trigger.New
        for(Financial_Account__c finAcct : finAccts){
            //Check to see if the active Financial Account's is the active Account
            if(acct.Id == finAcct.client__c){
                //If yes, set the Financial Account's Relationship team to = the Account's Relationship Team
                finAcct.Wealth_Advisor_Lookup__c = acct.Wealth_Advisor__c;
                finAcct.Portfolio_Manager_Lookup__c = acct.Portfolio_Manager_Lookup__c;
                finAcct.Trust_Officer_Lookup__c = acct.Trust_Officer__c;
                finAcct.Other_Team_Member_1_Lookup__c = acct.Other_Team_Member_1__c;
                finAcct.Other_Team_Member_2_Lookup__c = acct.Other_Team_Member_2__c;

                //Add the Financial Account to the list of Financial Accounts to Update
    //Update the Financial Accounts
    update finAcctsToUpdate;

Attribution to: jackerman09

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Trigger looks good and it can handle really large chunks of data .

Attribution to: Mohith Shrivastava

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

The only optimization i find missing is where I'd recommended to use a Map, rather than a list, so that you can retrieve the value of the Client with a direct lookup, rather than nested for loops - sheerly results in a lot less script statements executed.


 public class AccountManager {

/pass in the Trigger.NewMap()
public static void handleUpdateTransferRelationshipTeamFromAcctOnAcctUpdate(Map<Id,Account> TriggerNewMap{
    //Query a list of all Financial Accounts where the Client is in Trigger.NewMap keySet, which contains Account Ids
    List<Financial_Account__c> finAccts = [
        SELECT Id, Client__c, Wealth_Advisor_Lookup__c, Portfolio_Manager_Lookup__c, Trust_Officer_Lookup__c,
               Other_Team_Member_1_Lookup__c, Other_Team_Member_2_Lookup__c
        FROM Financial_Account__c
        WHERE Client__c IN : TriggerNewMap.keySet()];

    //Create a list to hold Financial Accounts to Update
    List<Financial_Account__c> finAcctsToUpdate = new List<Financial_Account__c>();

        //Loop through all Financial Accounts whose Client is in Trigger.New
        for(Financial_Account__c finAcct : finAccts){
            //Check to see if the active Financial Account's is the active Account
            Account acct = TriggerNewMap.get(finAcct.Client__c); //retrieve related Acc from Map

                //If yes, set the Financial Account's Relationship team to = the Account's Relationship Team
                finAcct.Wealth_Advisor_Lookup__c = acct.Wealth_Advisor__c;
                finAcct.Portfolio_Manager_Lookup__c = acct.Portfolio_Manager_Lookup__c;
                finAcct.Trust_Officer_Lookup__c = acct.Trust_Officer__c;
                finAcct.Other_Team_Member_1_Lookup__c = acct.Other_Team_Member_1__c;
                finAcct.Other_Team_Member_2_Lookup__c = acct.Other_Team_Member_2__c;

                //Add the Financial Account to the list of Financial Accounts to Update

    //Update the Financial Accounts
    update finAcctsToUpdate;

Attribution to: techtrekker
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