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Salesforce inputText, inputtextarea, etc rerender error


I do not understand why my values keep getting switched. I think it assigns the value of the first input value box to the first item added and the value fields are not in order of the objects.

            <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!...}" rendered="{!contains(...)}">

            <apex:SelectList rendered="{!contains(...)}" size="1" value="{!...}">
                <apex:SelectOptions value="{!picklist}" />


Sample Output when initially added

     Name          Value

     Object2        55   // Added Second datatype: String
     Object1        33   //Added First datatype: String

     Output after save button is clicked once

     Object1        33   
     Object2        55   

Output after clicking the save button again, the values will keep switching.

     Object1        55   
     Object2        33


Object are stored in a Map which is changed to a list using map.value() for displaying:

The list is of the subclass objects from below. public class AccountDetailInstance {

    public List<SelectOption> pickList {get; set;}
    public String textValue {get; set;}


The list is saved into the salesforce object by duplicating the values and the list gets regenerated based off of the salesforce objects that were saved everytime.

//This method loads all the instances for a page
private void loadInstances() {

    instancesMap =  new Map<Id, sObject>([SELECT Id, Name, Value__c, Type__C, content__c FROM sObject);
    //debug account ...

    for (sObject items: instancesMap.values()) {

        subClassObject subItem = new subClassObject(items.Name);

        subItem.Id = Item.Id;

        if (items.Type__c.equals('Picklist') || adi.Type__c.equals('Multipicklist')) {

            subItem.pickList = createLists(content__c); //generates selection list based on values

       if (item.Type__c.equals('String'))    
            subItem.value = Item.value__c'

// This method adds an instance from a selection list which the user chooses in the UI
public void addItem() {

    for (String id : selectedInstances) {

        //creates new sublcass object and adds it to the instanceMap

            instanceMap.put(subItem.Name, subItem);


public PageReference save() {
    Account account = (Account) controller.getRecord();
    List<sObject> sObjectList = new List<sObject>();
    subClass subItem; 
    for (subClass subItem : InstanceMap.Values()) {
        //Set all the fields for the sObject

    upsert detailInstanceList;

    return ApexPages.currentPage();


Attribution to: ths

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

I don't fully follow your logic, but hopefully this answer will allow you to address the problem in your own code.

As you mention in your comment, Apex does not have order-retaining maps. (You can create them yourself but the lack of generics in Apex limits the attractiveness of that approach.)

But you can use more than one collection type side-by side e.g. a List and a Map:

private List<SObject> sobList;
private Map<Id, SObject> sobMap;
private void loadInstances() {
    sobList = [select Id, Name, ... from SObject order by Name];
    sobMap = new Map<Id, SObject>();
    for (SObject sob : sobList) {
        sobMap.put(sob.Id, sob);

and refer to the list when order matters and use the map where you want to do a quick lookup (or avoid duplicates). Also note the explicit order by in the SOQL.

Attribution to: Keith C
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