I created this trigger to update a lookup on the record. It works fine if I edit the record manually, but not when doing a mass insert or update. I am not sure why... any help would be appreciated. trigger SDRCallstoHours on SDR_Calls__c (before insert, before update) {
Map<Id, List<SDR_Calls__c>> calls = new Map<Id, List<SDR_Calls__c>>();
for (SDR_Calls__c c : Trigger.new ) {
List<SDR_Calls__c> l = calls.get(c.Date_of_Call__c);
if (l == null) {
calls.put(c.Date_of_Call__c, l);
for (SDR_Hours__c Hour : [
SELECT Name, Id, Date_Worked__c, Extension__c
FROM SDR_Hours__c
WHERE Date_Worked__c IN :calls.keySet()
]) {
for (SDR_Calls__c s : calls.get( Hour.Date_Worked__c)) {
if(s.SDR_Extension__c == Hour.Extension__c) {
s.SDR_Hours_Record_Name__c = Hour.Id;
Here is the test class: It is a test that covers a couple of triggers
private class TEST_SDRHotTrackingOpp {
static testMethod void myHotTest() {
User u = new User(Alias = 'mjar', Email='mjar@testorg.com',
EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='Jar', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',
LocaleSidKey='en_US', FirstName= 'M',
TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='mjar@testorg.com');
SDR_Date__c dt= new SDR_Date__c (
Name = '04/01/2014'
insert dt;
Account acc = new Account (Name = 'ApexTest2014',
Type = 'Customer');
insert acc;
SDR_Extension__c ext = new SDR_Extension__c (
Name = '9999',
Qualifier_Lead_Gen_Name__c = 'M Jar',
SDR_Name__c = u.Id
insert ext;
SDR_Time_Conversion__c tme = new SDR_Time_Conversion__c (
Name = '00:15:00',
Decimal__c = 0.25
insert tme;
SDR_Hours__c hr = new SDR_Hours__c (
Extension__c = ext.Id,
Date_Worked__c = dt.Id,
Hours_Worked__c = 8
insert hr;
SDR_Calls__c cl = new SDR_Calls__c (
SDR_Extension__c = ext.Id,
Date_of_Call__c = dt.Id,
Time_on_Call__c = tme.Id
**insert cl;**
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Apex Test Opp1',
AccountId = acc.Id,
CloseDate = date.today(),
StageName = 'Hot',
Likelihood_of_hosting__c = 'Possible',
State__c = 'UT',
Type = 'New business - Non-Software',
Verticle__c = 'ISO AP',
Leadsource = 'cold call',
Tepid_to_Warm_Date__c = date.today(),
SDR_Hours__c = hr.Id,
SDR_Date__c = dt.Id
insert opp;
opp.Qualifier__c = 'M Jar';
opp.Date_Qualified__c = date.today();
update opp;
Attribution to: Merry Stambaugh
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
I don't think you need this line: update callsToUpdate;
. Modification are implicitly committed to the DB when the record is inserted on Before Insert & Before Update triggers.
What are you using to mass update. Here is a list of operations that do not invoke triggers.
Attribution to: NSjonas
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
One problem your trigger probably has is that multiple SDR_Calls__c
objects may be referring to the same date (assuming Date_of_Call__c
is the ID of some date object). Your map will only keep hold of the last SDR_Calls__c
object added.
This code uses lists to hold multiple SDR_Calls__c
objects and updates all the items in the lists:
trigger SDRCallstoHours on SDR_Calls__c (before insert, before update) {
Map<Id, List<SDR_Calls__c>> calls = new Map<Id, List<SDR_Calls__c>>();
for (SDR_Calls__c c : Trigger.new ) {
List<SDR_Calls__c> l = calls.get(c.Date_of_Call__c);
if (l == null) {
l = new List<SDR_Calls__c>();
calls.put(c.Date_of_Call__c, l);
for (SDR_Hours__c Hour : [
SELECT Name, Id, Date_Worked__c, Extension__c
FROM SDR_Hours__c
WHERE Date_Worked__c IN :calls.keySet()
]) {
for (SDR_Calls__c s : calls.get( Hour.Date_Worked__c)) {
if(s.SDR_Extension__c == Hour.Extension__c) {
s.SDR_Hours_Record_Name__c = Hour.Id;
Attribution to: Keith C
This content is remixed from stackoverflow or stackexchange. Please visit https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/34278