Apex newbie quest continues.
When new Chatter comment is added to Case, custom field on Case should be populated with information from latest Chatter comment.
Currently I have developed a 'before update' trigger on Case. It works quite well and suits my requirements, however works only when a Case is updated (doh). Now I want to make this solution a bit more "good-looking" and create "after insert" trigger on FeedItem object.
So far I have managed to identify that FeedItem is related to Case using parentId field (using code mentioned here as a sample - http://www.salesforcefast.com/2012/02/get-object-name-from-record-id.html).
However, I don`t know how to update information on Case from FeedItem trigger knowing only Case id (which is FeedItem parentId). Can anyone point me to the right direction? Thanks.
Attribution to: Juris Upenieks
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
I suggest code like this:
trigger MyTrigger on FeedItem (after insert) {
List<Case> updates = new List<Case>();
for (FeedItem fi : Trigger.new) {
if (fi.ParentId.getSObjectType() == Case.SObjectType) {
updates.add(new Case(
Id = fi.ParentId,
??? = fi.???
update updates;
It checks that the FeedItem is related to a Case and uses the update pattern that does not involve a query.
Attribution to: Keith C
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