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You have reached the maximum number of 10 object references on Activity Assignment


I have a workflow that sends an email when an Assignment is added, that meets certain conditions.

When I try to add:

NOT(ISPICKVAL(K__ResourcedActivity__r.K__DeliveryGroup__r.K__SalesOpportunity__r.X_Opportunity_Type__c, "Existing Client, Follow on")),

To my existing working criteria:

OR((K__Resource__r.K__ResourceType__r.Name = "Associate"),(K__Resource__r.K__ResourceType__r.Name = "Self Employed 1099"),(K__Resource__r.K__ResourceType__r.Name = "Corp2Corp"),(K__Resource__r.K__ResourceType__r.Name = "Employee Hourly/Daily")) 

I get:

"You have reached the maximum number of 10 object references on Activity Assignment"

My research suggests that Salesforce can increase the limit to 15, which might solve my issue in this instance, but what happens if and when I want to add another clause in the future. I'm guessing I'll be back to square one.

Am I missing something here? If I am restricted so much in the amount of workflows I can create, doesn't this make Salesforce essentially useless?

Attribution to: finisterre

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

I don't know about the limit changes but I'd rewrite your criteria to something like:-

NOT(ISPICKVAL(K__ResourcedActivity__r.K__DeliveryGroup__r.K__SalesOpportunity__r.X_Opportunity_Type__c, "Existing Client, Follow on")),
OR(CONTAINS('|Associate|Self Employed 1099|Corp2Corp|Employee Hourly/Daily|','|'+K__Resource__r.K__ResourceType__r.Name+'|')) 

And may even add a formula/workflow on to K_ResourcedActvity_c which would set a value a boolean to be K_ResourcedActivity_r.K_DeliveryGroup_r.K_SalesOpportunity_r.X_Opportunity_Type__c=="Existing Client, Follow on" and then just reference the boolean field in your criteria.

Attribution to: Richard Durrant
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