I want to control Content Delivery Option in Programmatic way. so does salesforce provides any api to access this functionality. Also We can control it mannualy by, Admin | Setup | customize | Content Delivery but want to know in programmatic way
Attribution to: Axaykumar
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
As of winter 15 this is now possible:
ContentDistribution cd = new ContentDistribution();
cd.name = 'test';
cd.ContentVersionId = '12312132abad';
cd.PreferencesAllowOriginalDownload = false;
cd.PreferencesAllowPDFDownload = false;
cd.PreferencesAllowViewInBrowser = true;
insert cd;
cd = [SELECT DistributionPublicUrl FROM ContentDistribution WHERE ID = :cd.Id];
You can basically do anything you can do in the native UI. Add password, set expiration, allow download, etc. I can't find any official documentation yet, but you can explore the properties using the workbench. Just make sure your API version is set to 32.
Attribution to: NSjonas
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
I haven't tried this yet, but perhaps this could help.
Attribution to: Quade
Possible Suggestion/Solution #3
I don't believe you can do this via Apex. I searched long and hard for this a while back when a customer had some automation requirements, but I couldn't find an sobject that contains the content delivery information.
Attribution to: Bob Buzzard
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