I am trying to add code coverage for the method below and keep getting this error. Basically it's a link that deletes the attachment on a table. The method is called from commandlink that passes the attachment id as a parameter. I am a noob and I don't know how to pass the id correctly in the test.
public String attachToDel {get;set;}
public pagereference delAttach()
Attachment toDel=new Attachment(id=AttachToDel);
Delete toDel;
List<Attachment> newAttachments=myPageCon.newAttachments;
newAttachments[0].Name = 'test attachment';
Blob bodyBlob=Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body');
System.assertEquals(1, myPagecon.getAttachments().size());
myPageCon.delAttach(); <----This causes the error.
Section in the page where I pass the id to commandlink
<apex:commandLink value="{!$Label.Delete_Attachment}" action="{!delAttach}" >
<apex:param name="AttachIdParam" value="{!attachment.id}" assignTo="!attachToDel}"/>
Thanks in advance.
Attribution to: PepeFloyd
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Its is a bit hard to answer correctly without knowing what's happening in your controller code. How does the commandlink populate the attachToDel property ? If a page parameter is used you could query for it and set it like this
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('parameterID', 'value');
Attribution to: Samuel De Rycke
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
you're not setting the attachToDel param (which you should change to type Id btw).
System.assertEquals(1, myPagecon.getAttachments().size());
//Set the value in the controller
myPageCon.attachToDel = 'whatever Id you want to test deletion of';
Attribution to: Daniel Blackhall
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