I have a custom controller that returns a map like this:
Map<String, String>
In my visualforce page, how do I access this map? Before the Winter '13 release, I could do this:
<apex:variable value="{!results[key]}" var="result"/>
However, this no longer works with the Winter '13 release. How do I do this in the latest release?
Edit: The VF page is at API version 24.0. The Controller is at 25.0.
This is in my Visualforce Page:
<apex:variable value="{!results[articleid]}" var="result"/>
This is my component:
<apex:component controller="Article_View" access="global">
<apex:variable value="{!results}" var="results"/>
<apex:componentBody />
This is my Apex Class:
global with sharing class Article_View {
global Map<String, String> results {
get {
KnowledgeArticleViewStat result;
List<KnowledgeArticleViewStat> results = [SELECT NormalizedScore, Id, ParentId FROM KnowledgeArticleViewStat WHERE Channel='Csp'];
Map<String, String> article_views = new Map<String, String>();
for (Integer i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
article_views.put(((String)results[i].get('ParentId')).substring(0,15) , String.valueOf(((Decimal)results[i].get('NormalizedScore')).round()));
return article_views;
When I try and save my Visualforce Page, I get this error: Error: Expression of type Text cannot be subscripted
Attribution to: Di Zou
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
I have a page and controller on version 25.0, and this example work for me where 'Gender' & Type are the keys in a map called results
public with sharing class Article_View {
public Map<String, String> results;
public Map<String, String> getresults () {
results = new Map<String, String> ();
results.put ('Gender', 'All');
results.put ('Type', 'All');
return results;
<apex:page controller="Article_View" >
<apex:variable value="{!results['Gender']}" var="result"/>
Gender: {!result}
<apex:variable value="{!results['Type']}" var="type"/>
Type: {!type}
Attribution to: BritishBoyinDC
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
It appears that the VF compiler thinks that variable inside the component is returning the key to the map instead of the results map. If you try this with
map <Integer,String>
you get an error that an integer can't be subscripted.
Can you pass in the key as an attribute to the component? Ex:
<apex:component controller="Article_View" access="global">
<apex:attribute name="key" description="key for results" type="String" required="false"/>
<apex:variable value="{!results[key]}" var="result"/>
<apex:componentBody />
<c:Query_article_view key="{!articleid}">
Attribution to: Greg Grinberg
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