I want to pass an array of string to an apex component. I want to something like this
<c:myComponent Status="Pending, Accepeted,..." />
On the other hand I would like to have something like this
<apex:attribute name="Status" description="This is the value for the component." type="String[]" required="true"/>
Am I thinking in right direction?
Attribution to: doga
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Passing an Array to a Component
Yep you're spot on, the following small example files demonstrate the passing of a string array into the component:
Page Controller - just exposes an array of strings to the page.
public class PageController
public String[] getStrings()
return new String[]{'This', 'is', 'an', 'array', 'of', 'strings'};
Visualforce Page - prints out the array line by line, then includes the component, passing it the array of strings as a parameter.
<apex:page controller="PageController">
<apex:repeat value="{!Strings}" var="s">
<h3><apex:outputText value="{!s}"/></h3><br/>
<c:TestComponent inputStrings="{!Strings}"/>
Visualforce Component - simply takes one parameter (array of strings), and displays another bound variable on the page:
<apex:component controller="ComponentController">
<apex:attribute name="inputStrings" type="String[]" required="true" description="" assignTo="{!Strings}"/>
<apex:outputText value="{!Joined}"/>
Component Controller - returns the array of strings as a single string of semicolon delimited values:
public class ComponentController
public String [] strings {get; set;}
public String getJoined()
String ret = '';
for(String s : strings)
ret += s + ';';
return ret;
Of course, if you want to choose the first option you presented (comma delimited list) just assign it to a string variable in the controller, and then use the split()
method to break it back down into it's components.
Using a Component Without a Controller
Taking this a step further, if you don't want to use a controller in the component for some reason, you can still access the parameters passed in, though I not know of a 'nice' way of dealing with an array right now. You can use it as a string and cut it up as below, but there may well be a better way to access the individual elements.
<apex:attribute name="inputStrings" type="String[]" required="true" description=""/>
<ul id="theList"></ul>
<script type="text/javascript">
var theStrings = '<apex:outputText value="{!inputStrings}"/>';
var theListEntries = '';
theStrings = theStrings.substring(1, theStrings.length - 1).split(', ');
for(i = 0; i < theStrings.length; i++)
theListEntries += '<li>' + theStrings[i] + '</li>';
document.getElementById('theList').innerHTML = theListEntries;
When used in the page shown previously, the output looks like this:
Attribution to: Matt Lacey
This content is remixed from stackoverflow or stackexchange. Please visit https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/4539