I am displaying attributes that are of type Number (18,0) in an email using a Visual Force template. I am referenced the attributes in the template in the normal way. However, they are displayed as:
Whereas I want them displayed as
Any ideas what I have to do here?
Attribution to: dublintech
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Maybe like in that example from salesforce:
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, integer}">
<apex:param value="{!someDouble}" />
Attribution to: Sergej Utko
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Check the expression functions reference, you should find something that fits.
Or even {!SUBSTITUTE(TEXT(myObject__c.myField__c), '.0', '')}
But if it's VF page template - mast0r's answer is the preferred way as it gives you more control (my formulas can still be used if you have plaintext email for example).
Attribution to: eyescream
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