Are there any service/known option to campare metadata on file system and some org and to identify what components have differencies. Is it possible to link this feature with Ci tool so it automatically detects what are the differencies and email them. Thanks in advance.
Attribution to: Natallia
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Check out Tquila's org. diff.
Edit: the SF Toolkit is now hosted at:
Attribution to: Davin Casey
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
I use copado deployer
Does org diff, git integration and fast deployments.
Attribution to: larsenfed
Possible Suggestion/Solution #3
There is a way to compare a standard/custom object and find out all the metadata differences.
I recently created a chrome extension for this and it is available @
Attribution to: Rajiv Bhatt
Possible Suggestion/Solution #4
Use Beyond compare after extracting all the metadata in eclipse to compare .
Attribution to: Mohith Shrivastava
Possible Suggestion/Solution #5
If you have any Version control tool/ source control tool, you can create two branches for the two different ORGS and compare them.
One more easy way is using eclipse, build a common package for the two ORGs and compare with each other.
Export the retrieved package into a file system or archived file. Compare using KDIFF3. It is very easy to use and the best tool.
Attribution to: varun guruvugari
Possible Suggestion/Solution #6
AutoRABIT has Salesforce Org Sync feature - which can send you scheduled / on-demand reports of differences at metadata level and also give you capability to view the differences at code level . AutoRABIT Org Sync
Attribution to: Niranjan
Possible Suggestion/Solution #7
If you are willing to set up the Migration Tool, then you can try the following tip:
Once you get through the setup, just create a package.xml file and double click a bat file to do the comparison.
Attribution to: Mike Paisner
Possible Suggestion/Solution #8
I was trying out : a nice comparison tool that let you deploy changes as well...
Attribution to: sfdx bomb
Possible Suggestion/Solution #9
If you use Test Pilot (disclaimer: I'm a developer), you can compare metadata between any two orgs:
We also have some CI features to email you when some changes were made that broke your test.
Hope that helps!
Attribution to: Aupajo
Possible Suggestion/Solution #10
SpringTool can generate "interpreted" ORGs comparison reports (readable by non-technical people). It's not just a git based diff of metadata xml files but a visual report like that:
Results can be exported in a spreadsheet.
Attribution to: Yannick Tisserand
Possible Suggestion/Solution #11
We have app like AutoRABIT in appexchange which easier Metadata comparision and deployements. see below screenshot from this app.
Attribution to: naveen
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