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How to write a private inner class


I am trying to create a private DataUtility class within my test class. I need it to create a list of contacts within this private class. I am aware that I can create another class within my org but I was told not to do so here is what my private class currently looks like

private ContactServicesDataUtility(){
        private List<Contact> createContacts(Integer size, Id accId, Boolean doInsert){
            for (Integer i = 0; i < size; i++){
                List<Contact> contacts = new Contact();
                newContact.AccountId = accId;
                newContact.FirstName = null + i;
                newContact.LastName = 'Test_' + i;


I recieve the error unexpected token: 'List', I know that I cannot use static, what is the proper syntax for this?

Thank you in advance

Attribution to: user7167

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Instead of private ContactServicesDataUtility(), private class ContactServicesDataUtility{} or if you are trying to having a constructor take out the createContacts from that.

Attribution to: highfive
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