I have an Account, with a related BillToAccount.
How do I create correctly the hierarchy in the test class?
Following code returns an error
FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Bill To Account can not be empty: [Bill_To_Account__c]
There is a Validation Rule on that field, but it fires according to the type (the validation rule is ok - no need to check it)
the test method I have now is:
public static Account generateAccount(string m_Name)
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = m_Name;
acc.type = 'Customer';
acc.BillingCountry = 'Israel';
if (acc.type == 'Customer')
Account btacc = new Account();
btacc.name = 'testbillto';
btacc.type = 'Channel Partner / Dealer';
btacc.BillingCountry = 'Israel';
insert btacc;
acc.Bill_To_Account__r = btacc;
insert acc;
return acc;
billingcountry and type are mandatory.
I want that: acc.Bill_To_Account - will get the test bill to account I create.
- btacc is mandatory only if acc.type == 'Customer'
Attribution to: Saariko
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Use try:
Boolean isDMLException = false;
insert acc;
catch(DmlException ex){
isDMLException = true;
System.assertEqual(true. isDMLException, 'Wrong exception result : ')
Attribution to: Artur Kępczyński
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Instead of:
acc.Bill_To_Account__r = btacc;
acc.Bill_To_Account__c = btacc.Id;
The relationship has to be set via the Id value not the object reference.
Attribution to: Keith C
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