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HTML comments tag


Let me explain the previous program line by line so that you get a complete understanding of the page. When you see the program which you created few months ago you may forgot what is <meta> tag or where <title> tag appears. It is always best practices wherever required provide the comments in the program so that won't forgot or any other person look at your program he will understand easily.

To define the comments we have to use below character combination

<!--  comment start

 --> End comment

Let me explain the below program using comment tag

<html> <!-- which says this page type is html. -->
     <head> <!-- Page related overall information needs to be placed inside head tag -->
	<title>My First Complete Webpage</title> <!-- Title of the page will be displayed in page header -->

	<meta name="description" content="I am learning html. It is my first creation." /> <!-- This tag used to define what is the page about. This tag will be used by google search engine to crawl the page -->

   <!-- Body tag where actually you see something will be displayed based on the tags which given -->
        <!-- Header tags -->


below explained the tags with browser window

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