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My code coverage stopped at 60% how can I increase code coverage to 100%

public class deleterecords1{  
   public List<sObjectWrapper> wrappers{get;set;}  
   public deleterecords1(){  
     wrappers = getData();  
   public void deleteRecords(){  
     List<Account> accToDel = new List<Account>();  
     for(sObjectWrapper wrap : wrappers){  
     delete accToDel;  
     wrappers = getData();  
   public List<sObjectWrapper> getData(){  
     List<sObjectWrapper> wrappers = new List<sObjectWrapper>();  
     for(Account acc : [SELECT Name,Id,Phone, Description FROM Account]){  
       wrappers.add(new sObjectWrapper(acc,false));  
     return wrappers;  
   public class sObjectWrapper{  
    public boolean isSelected{get;set;}  
    public Account myAccount{get;set;}  
    public sObjectWrapper(Account myAccount,Boolean isSelected){  
     this.myAccount = myAccount;  
     this.isSelected = isSelected;  

This is my test class


Public class deleterecordsTest{
     public static testMethod void deleteTest(){
        List<Account> accToDel = new List<Account>();
        accToDel = [SELECT Name,Id,Phone, Description FROM Account];
        delete accToDel;
        deleterecords1 d1 = new deleterecords1();


code coverage is 60%

the code coverage is not coming for below code. how can i increase code coverage for this.


       wrappers.add(new sObjectWrapper(acc,false));  

    public Account myAccount{get;set;}  
    public sObjectWrapper(Account myAccount,Boolean isSelected){  
     this.myAccount = myAccount;  
     this.isSelected = isSelected;  

Attribution to: PavanFoxPro

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Are you sure your test class is returning any rows at all? I would assume your initial SELECT query will return 0 rows.

If you must use existing records in your test class, change the initial notation to: @isTest(SeeAllData=true)

ALthough, the recommended method would be to

  1. create a new Account record
  2. insert it
  3. then continue from the line: "accToDel = [SELECT Name,Id,Phone, Description FROM Account];"

Attribution to: RohanC
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