I have a Webservice class :
global with sharing class MyWebServiceClass{
WebService static Id[] methodVisibility(Id[] ids,String objectName) {
String test = 'select id from '+objectName+' where '+objectName+'.Id IN :ids';
List<sObject> resultObjects = Database.query(test);
List<Id> returnIds = new List<Id>();
for(sObject obj:resultObjects){
return returnIds;
I have wriiten a Test Class for this :
private class testMyWebService
static List<Id> idList = new List<Id>();
static List<Account> accList;
static testMethod void testMethodVisibility() {
accList = new List<Account>();
accList.add(new Account(
accList.add(new Account(
insert accList ;
for(Account a : accList) {
MyWebServiceClass.methodVisibility(idList, 'Account');
I am getting 100% code coverage. But I am getting following error
Could not run tests on class 01p90000004VGkc: Line 58, column 25: Illegal assignment from Integer to String
So, I am confised, whether is there anything wrong in my Test methods or code is perfect ?
Attribution to: SFDC Geek
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